Driving smarter to reduce emissions

CameraMatics for Passenger Transport

Eco-driving styles significantly reduce your impact on the environment by lowering fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. This will also diminish vehicle wear and tear, and improve the vehicles overall efficiency.

Monitor your journey’s to identify practical steps to reduce your carbon footprint such as:

  • Harsh acceleration and deceleration

  • Cruise control usage

  • Excessive idling or coasting

Driver confidence & peace-of-mind

Passenger Bus Driver

Smart configurable cameras integrated with our connected fleet driver management system capture live video footage of the driver and the road ahead.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) triggers automatic video recording before, during and after any incident to provide indisputable evidence to protect against false claims, resolve genuine claims in a timely cost-effective manner, and to ensure proper driver defence and exoneration.

  • eFNOL improves the speed of adjudication, fraud detection, and damage estimates

Caso de éxito de un cliente

Powell's Motorsport

Our customers demand rugged, resilient, robust and most importantly reliable technology.

What better, than the adrenaline-fueled arena of the British Truck Racing Championship to prove the power of our system.

Empowering drivers
